Posted in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider In AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4?

The last few days have seen a great deal of speculation about a particular Spirit of Vengeance appearing in the next season of Marvel’s relatively well-received spy / superhero drama. It was all sparked by a monorail cart bearing a burning chain advertising the next season of the show. With San Diego Comic-Con around the corner, might we be hearing the announcement of the Ghost Rider’s inclusion in the next season?


A casting report suggests that the Ghost Rider will not be Johnny Blaze, but the latest incarnation of the character instead: Robbie Reyes. As long as he doesn’t drive a car, like he does in the comics, I see no issue with this being the case. In fact, the appearance of Ghost Rider in the next season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. makes sense. The MCU is gearing up for all things mystical. Doctor Strange, Iron Fist and Ghost Rider are all characters whose backstories and mythologies are chock full of magic and devilry. Essentially, given the MCU’s current slate of movies and shows, with Cloak and Dagger about to come into the fray as well, it seems like Ghost Rider appearing on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is more likely than some might think.

It’s probably for the best that Ghost Rider be kept to the small screen, given how terrible his last two movie outings have been. Also, if the rumour ends up being true and we do get Reyes instead of Blaze, then you can bet it’s because Nicolas Cage kinda tainted that identity. The one issue though is that another recent report suggests this season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will focus more on Life Model Decoys (LMDs), which is what was teased at the end of Season 3. Doesn’t Reyes’s mask remind you of the Watchdogs though?


Another thing to take into account is that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be airing at 10 p.m. now rather than 9 p.m. That allows for a bit more in the way of horror, a genre Ghost Rider most definitely falls into. So there a re quite a few things that point to Robbie Reyes putting in an appearance than one would initially think.

Then again, all of this Ghost Rider stuff could be nonsense and it may just mean Hellfire’s gonna get a bigger role next season and we’ll see the actual Secret Warriors team rather than just a team of four people in black jackets and trousers.


I'm an inquisitive comic book movie fan with an over-active imagination. I quite enjoy indulging in hypothesising and theorising in regards to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how It's All Connected.

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