
Welcome, one and all, to the Marvel Cinematic Universe Theories blog! If you’ve managed to find your way here then I can personally guarantee you that you’ll see at least two speculative pieces about the MCU that you have’t seen anywhere else on the web. If not, sue me. But if you’re not here for idle speculation, and you’re a hardcore theorist like myself, then you’re in for a treat.

Here on this blog, I make it a priority to delve as deeply as I can into any subject matter regarding the MCU and come back with as much to offer as possible. I’ve been reading Marvel Comics since I was nine years old, but I’ve been a fan for as long as I can remember. As a result, I’ve found myself over-analysing the hell out of the blockbuster machine that is the MCU. From the movies, to the Netflix stuff, and of course the regular TV shows, there’s nothing that’ll escape my scrutiny.

I started this blog to share ideas about the MCU, and for people to come and share their own if they so please. Of course, there’s one idea in particular that I wanted to share above all others: my Infinity Cycle theory. I’ve since dubbed it the Infinity Imbalance theory, as a couple years’ worth of research and extra movies have led to some reconsideration and re-evaluation of the overall idea. However, with every successive film, I can’t help but feel I’m really onto something. Call it tooting my own horn, I don’t much mind, if I end up being wrong, it was at least fun to play this great guessing game.

The basic premise of the theory is this: The Living Tribunal is dead and as a result, cosmic imbalance between the forces of Light and Darkness runs rife in the universe. Thanos, seeing this imbalance, seeks to rectify the issue – utilising the Infinity Gauntlet to decimate life across the universe and win the favour of his beloved Lady Death.

Intrigued? Then get to reading…