Posted in Thor

The Book of Yggdrasil; Translated

Sadly the Book of Yggdrasil is only glimpsed in fragments and seemingly, not many of the pages actually align in a linear chronology. That said, I’ve arranged these translations in the best chronological order I could make out. You might also notice I’ve capitalised the “D” in death on the second translation. This is because I believe it’s talking about the cosmic entity and not the state of existence. I’ll have a post explaining that at a later stage.



The Birth of the Nine Realms:

From out of the cold darkness of the universe came forth the first dawn of light. Born out of a spark of golden energy the ethereal light filled the far reaches of the universe. The majesty of the immaculate aurora heralded the creation of the nine realms and banished all…


– The birth of light shattered the darkness, bringing Death to the Dark Elves.


1) The Elves fought the light that radiated from Asgard. They built a weapon out of the darkness and unleashed the dark power of the Aether across the Nine Realms, inflicting the torment of war…

2) Svartalfheim: The Genesis of the Aether.

I translated these to help with my research into Yggdrasil, the Dark Elves and the Infinity Stones. I figured I’d put them all up here, because the only page I found fully translated on the internet was the one about the Dark Elves creating the Aether. So if you fancy looking into it yourself, right here’s a bit of a starting point!


I'm an inquisitive comic book movie fan with an over-active imagination. I quite enjoy indulging in hypothesising and theorising in regards to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how It's All Connected.

4 thoughts on “The Book of Yggdrasil; Translated

  1. I hadn’t noticed that but I’ll give it a look and see what I can drum up from it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


  2. Greetings and thank you for your work on this transliteration. These pages are beautiful and it’s fun that the meaning was made accessible to us if we took the time to look 🙂

    Have you also looked at the opening pages of the book that we see in that same scene of the film? On the very first page, there seems to be writing but it isn’t runes like on these pages – its more of a cursive script. Do you have any idea what those words mean, if they are words?

    Best wishes,

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